February Blog- Carnival Season
Spring service hours: 0 Fall service hours: 42 This month has been getting back to the full swing of things. We covered reproductive and neurological pharmacology, both of which are very interesting topics to me. In the reproductive module we touched on topics like contraceptives. One part that really stood out to me was the relationship between smoking and estrogen containing contraceptives. Learning that smoking significantly increases the risk for thrombosis was pretty alarming and really brought out some interesting questions about the role of estrogen receptors. The neurology module was similarly informative. Neurological disorders have always interested me, and learning about some of the pathology behind prominent disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy as well as the pharmacological treatment methods for treating them was very informative. One of the surprising bits of information was during our discussion with Dr. Mostany when he told us about one of the genetic p...